Ruzivo Digital Learning is a revolutionary offering in e-learning in Zimbabwe. It is an interactive digital learning platform targeted at primary, secondary and high school learners. All our content is aligned to the Zimbabwe Curricula. Our New Curriculum Content has been evaluated and approved by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.
At the Centre of Ruzivo Digital Learning is a desire to impact, transform and enhance the education and academic results of millions of learners. Affordability of high quality education is a key consideration. We understand that private schooling by its very nature could not be free or accessible to all pupils in Zimbabwe. Through innovative technological solutions such as Ruzivo, quality education can be made more accessible to a larger group of students who ideally have no access and in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Inclusive and equitable quality education.
With the massive gaps that exist in the Zimbabwean Education system and primary school completion rates as low as 55% in 2012 and only an estimated 50% going on to secondary school, there is a great need to provide an innovative solution that will enhance the education and the academic results of students in Zimbabwean primary schools. To ensure that we reach students in the most disadvantaged schools, we have developed a sustainable, low cost, high quality education model, which is scalable across the nation of Zimbabwe.