1. Grade 7 & O-Level Pass Rate
2. Pupil To Teacher Ratio
Overall the average teacher to pupil ratio for both Primary and Secondary Schools is below the officially acceptable thresholds. According to the MoPSE the teacher to pupil ratio is dropping due to the fact that the ministry has established satellite school which has seen an increase in the number of classes and teachers. However it is also important to note that these figures represent aggregates which may conceal the reality of the situation in some schools where the number of pupils per teacher has been observed to be slightly above 40 particularly in rural primary schools.
Source: United Nations Children Education Fund and Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education EMIS
3. Out Of School Children - Aged 7 - 14
Ages 7-14. This age group captures the bulk of basic compulsory education in most countries, aids cross-national comparability of estimates, and conveys the normative international frameworks set by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and supported by the ILO Minimum Age Convention.